The Working Guide to Post-Quantum

To commence our exploration, let’s outline the steps for implementation on both local
and AWS EC2 instances, with curl running inside a Docker container.

Before delving into the intricacies of implementation of post-quantum cryptography, it’s paramount to stay abreast of the latest developments in this rapidly evolving field. With codes susceptible to obsolescence over time, it’s imperative to verify the publishing dates of articles and resources encountered along the way.

This article is the outcome of ongoing research and development efforts at EXAMROOM.AI in the field of post-quantum cryptography.

For those eager to witness the marvels of post-quantum algorithms firsthand, the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project stands as an exemplary starting point. Born out of the University of Waterloo, this open-source initiative offers an unparalleled gateway to the world of post-quantum cryptography. Moreover, with the recent alliance between the Linux Foundation and the OQS project in January 2024, there has never been a more opportune moment to dive in.

Post-Quantum NGINX Server

To initiate our journey, we turn to the NGINX server provided by the OQS, accessible at This server hosts a plethora of testing ports, numbering a total of 464, spanning from 6000 to 6463. To evaluate the functionality of any of these ports, we require a Quantum Safe Cryptography (QSC)-enabled client, such as curl, OQS-Chromium, or OQS-Epiphany. Let’s begin with ‘curl’.

Implementation Steps: “To commence our exploration, let’s outline the steps for implementation on both local and AWS EC2 instances, with ‘curl’ running inside a Docker container.

Local Implementation:

1. Download the CA certificate from the following link-


2. Pull the Docker image using the following command-

					docker pull openquantumsafe/curl 

3. Provide the CA certificate (CA.crt) to the container for SSL/TLS verification and run docker container-

					docker run -it -v /home/users/Downloads/CA.crt:/CA.crt openquantumsafe/curl curl - cacert /CA.crt 

AWS EC2 Implementation:

1. SSH into the AWS EC2 instance. ​

2. Download the CA certificate using the following command-


3. Verify the presence of CA.crt using ls.

4. Pull the Docker image using the command-

					docker pull openquantumsafe/curl

5. Provide the CA certificate (CA.crt) to the container for SSL/TLS verification and run curl docker container-

					docker run -it -v /home/ubuntu/CA.crt:/CA.crt openquantumsafe/curl curl --cacert /CA.crt



Successfully Establishing a Post-Quantum Connection: Securely accessing on port 6013 with post-quantum curl Open Quantum Safe interop test server for quantum-safe cryptography​

⚠️ Warning! This implementation is not intended for production use. ⚠️

Acknowledgements: Special thanks to EXAMROOM.AI for contributing to this exploration.

Written by:Dr. Priti Kumari

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    Полировка: после нанесения последнего слоя лака паркет полируется для придания поверхности блеска и гладкости.
    Циклёвка паркета позволяет обновить внешний вид пола, восстановить его структуру и продлить срок службы.
    Сайт: Циклёвка паркета

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